Our Beautiful Morgan as featured in Labrador Lifeline magazine

Hi, my name is Morgan, I am a black Labrador and I’d like to tell you about my incredible journey.
Well, it all began in February 2018, I was taken to my new and now forever home.
I must admit, I found it quite difficult at first, adjusting to this new way of life……especially being taken out twice a day into the outside world, I just wasn’t used to that and at times I found it really scary!! But I made some lovely new friends, forever friends.
Janet and her dog Jessie…..they moved to Scotland a year or so ago, but Mum and Dad will take me to visit when this virus thing is over……I just can’t wait!!! There’s Susie and Julie with their dogs Milo and Tilly, they are Labradors too, and then there’s Frankie, my little friend, she’s a Dachshund.
Included in my journey are Auntie Sarah and Auntie Marie from Homes & Hounds. I go out with them three times a week with my other four legged friends and one of them is a Dachshund called Dexter who likes nothing better than chasing me. I’m ok with that, I can run faster.
I’m a clever boy and I’ve learned some new tricks, like walking up three steps, turning to sit and have my muzzle strapped to be put on with my collar. I wait at the car to the boot lid has been opened and blanket to be put out for me to get in…….I can do this really well now, I used to get scared when we’d go back to the car because I was sure that I was going to be left alone, so I’d jump up fast as my legs would take me and make myself invisible in the back corner, Now I’m not scared, and guess what?? I get a treat for being such a good boy, great fun!
When I go out with Dad and it’s just him and me, we have a really good time. We walk a long way, I swim in a pond and go home a real mess, but he just laughs! I can just do my “dog thing” and not worry about being told off. Mum takes me out as much as she can, she’s so kind to me. She can’t walk far but we have a real peaceful time together and she makes me feel safe and comfortable. When the three of us are together, that’s even better!
Because of my sad and really difficult start in life, I now have to wear a muzzle….but it’s ok, I’ve got used to it and it keeps me from getting into trouble, particularly when I’m frightened, which I’m pleased to say doesn’t happen so often nowadays. I’ve learned that not everything nor everyone will hurt me so I’m not scared and it makes me feel much better….phew!
I have found a great place with lots of love and cuddles in my forever home
Thanks for reading my incredible journey and being part of it
Morgan xxx